Septic & Plumbing Blog

What To Expect When Your Septic Tank Needs to be Pumped

What To Expect When Your Septic Tank Needs to be Pumped

Quick Note: Having your septic Tank pumped is the same thing as having your septic tank cleaned.

It’s that time….time to get your septic tank pumped.

To make an appointment for your septic tank to be pumped please call Pro Rooter & Septic 559-623-2340. We do our best to service your septic tank the same day that you call, we can come out the following day, or schedule an appointment for the day and time that is most convenient for you.

How to Choose the Best Plumbing and Septic Service Professional

How to Choose the Best Plumbing and Septic Service Professional

Remember the Acronym: V.Q.R.

When it comes to plumbing and septic services how do you know you’ve found the best plumber for the job? We came up with three letters (acronym) to help you remember the steps you can take to ensure you’re hiring a qualified, professional, and trustworthy plumbing and septic service company. The acronym V.Q.R which stands for Verify, Qualify, and Relationship will help you complete the steps to vetting whichever company you choose to call.

Holiday Tips to Maintain Your Plumbing and Septic System

Holiday Tips to Maintain Your Plumbing and Septic System

The holidays are a time of joy as family and friends travel to your home to celebrate being together. As the holiday season fast approaches you may have begun planning the menu for Thanksgiving dinner or preparing additional sleeping quarters for out of town guests. Holiday parties hosted at your home and additional overnight visitors can quickly wreak havoc on your septic system if you’re not prepared.  No one wants to hear the ominous words “the toilet is backing up” as Christmas festivities commence with a houseful of friends and family members.

Septic Drain Field – What to Know

Septic Drain Field – What to Know

Determining if you have a septic drain field problem can be a tough thing to do. Educate yourself on your septic system parts and how a septic tank works before you try to come up with a septic remedy.

Septic drain fields, also called leach fields are subsurface wastewater disposal facilities used to remove contaminants and impurities from the liquid that emerges after natural anaerobic digestion in a septic tank. A septic tank, the septic drain field, and the associated piping compose a septic system.

Septic System Failure – What to Expect

Septic System Failure – What to Expect

A septic system is considered to be “failing” when it fails to treat and distribute wastewater effectively and fails to prevent biological and nutrient contamination of your drinking water well and nearby lakes and streams. A septic system failure causes untreated sewage to be released and transported to where it shouldn’t be. Failure may cause sewage to rise to the surface of the ground around the tank or the drain field or to back up in pipes in the building. The sewage could also find its way into groundwater, surface water, or marine water without seeing it. The sewage carries pathogens and other dangerous contaminants. Exposure to these pathogens and contaminants can make people and animals sick. They can also contaminate water sources and make them unsafe for drinking, swimming, and agricultural uses.

Septic System Malfunction – Warning Signs!

Septic System Malfunction – Warning Signs!

As discussed in our prior blog, septic systems require routine maintenance for a healthy lifespan. It’s imperative to have your tank pumped every 2-3 years so you not only empty your tank but also a septic professional can keep you properly advised of issues you might have been unaware of.

As all homeowners realize, even with properly scheduled maintenance things can happen within your home. Here are some septic system warning signs.

Important! Septic System Maintenance

Important! Septic System Maintenance

First of all, if you are a property owner with a septic system, take the time to understand your septic tank! As discussed in the previous blog, septic tank solid waste settles to the bottom and scum/sludge rises to the top. Excess liquid goes out to the drain field, either by gravity or with a septic pump. If your system has a filter (usually located in the outlet tee) learn how to quickly clean and care for it, if you have a pump system with an alarm, periodically test the alarm box to ensure its working. Bacteria breaks down the solids in the tank but they need to be pumped out every 2-3 years so buildup doesn’t occur so easily. Please consider regular use of enzyme treatments in your septic tank to replenish the natural bacteria within your tank, this with regular pumping will allow your tank a longer life span.

How Septic Systems Work

How Septic Systems Work

Septic systems are used commonly in geographic areas that lack connection to main sewage pipes, usually provided by local governments. Septic systems are found often in more rural areas, small towns, and suburbs not usually in cities or heavily condensed and populated areas. Read More

Call Pro Rooter & Septic Today for a Free Estimate

Don’t know how much it will cost to get your problem fixed? Afraid of sticker shock after the job is done? That’s why we offer free estimates in writing prior to starting any project. Plus, we confidently provide a 100% guarantee or your money back, and 100% financing if needed (some limitations apply).