Septic Tank Maintenance in Fresno and Clovis

Septic tank maintenance is something that 100 percent of people who have septic tanks need. But, 0 percent of people with septic tanks just don’t want to think about it. And why should you? Let’s face facts: dealing with a septic system is a s****** job. Not many...

Is Your Septic Tank Ready For The Holiday Season?

Avoid A Costly Disaster By Getting Your Septic Tank Serviced. The holiday season is upon us which means all of us will be getting busier, along with having more guests & family visiting over the next couple of months. Since the holidays are a busy and hectic time...

What To Expect When Your Septic Tank Needs to be Pumped

Quick Note: Having your septic Tank pumped is the same thing as having your septic tank cleaned. It’s that time….time to get your septic tank pumped. To make an appointment for your septic tank to be pumped please call Pro Rooter & Septic 559-623-2340. We...

Septic Drain Field – What to Know

Determining if you have a septic drain field problem can be a tough thing to do. Educate yourself on your septic system parts and how a septic tank works before you try to come up with a septic remedy. Septic drain fields, also called leach fields are subsurface...